
Generative AI

Gen AI (Generative AI) involves AI technologies capable of producing text, images, music, and video content autonomously. These tools learn from extensive datasets to generate new, creative outputs. Generative AI is set to revolutionize industries by automating creative processes, enhancing productivity, and fostering innovation. Its ability to generate new content and solutions will transform how we work, learn, and interact with technology.

Latest News

  • Pixtral 12B (pixtral-12b-240910)

    Pixtral 12B (pixtral-12b-240910)

    Mistral released Pixtral 12B Vision Language Model (pixtral-12b-240910). Some notes on the release below. Installation Mistral common has image support! You can now pass images and URLs alongside text into the user message. To use the model checkpoint: Images You can encode images as follows: Image URLs You can pass image url which will be…

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  • Workspaces – Anthropic API Console

    Workspaces – Anthropic API Console

    Anthropic has introduced Workspaces in the Anthropic API Console to assist developers in efficiently managing multiple Claude deployments. These Workspaces serve as unique environments that allow for the organization of resources, the streamlining of access controls, and the setting of custom spend and rate limits at a more granular level. For developers deploying Claude across…

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  • LLaVA V1.5 7B on Groq

    LLaVA V1.5 7B on Groq

    LLaVA (Large Language and Vision Assistant) is an open-source multimodal chatbot designed to follow instructions across different modes of communication. It is developed by fine-tuning the LLaMA/Vicuna language models on data generated by GPT, enabling it to understand and generate both text and visual information. Built on the transformer architecture, LLaVA operates as an auto-regressive…

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Learn Gen AI

Introduction to Generative AI
Generative AI in a Nutshell
What is Generative AI?