Does AI is real Art?

Does AI is real Art?

Not everyone using AI is an artist. AI can be art, and people using AI can be artists. Arguments against below.

AI does the actual creation, while the human only provides a prompt.

    What about photography?
    Photography captures reality, while AI can create imagined ones.

    In photography, the photographer makes creative decisions about composition, lighting, timing, and subject matter.

    With AI art, the human provides creative direction through prompts, selects and refines outputs, and curates the final results.

    AI art lacks the human artist’s personal experiences

    “AI art lacks the human artist’s personal experiences, emotions, and unconscious influences that inform traditional art-making.”

      AI-generated art is influenced by human experiences indirectly. The prompts and curation are informed by human emotions and experiences. Additionally, the interpretation and emotional response to the art still comes from human viewers.

      AI replicates rather than creates

        Diffusion models in AI art go beyond simple replication:

        • → They start with random noise and gradually refine it.
        • → Use reverse diffusion to “denoise” step-by-step.
        • → Manipulate high-dimensional latent spaces.
        • → Involve probabilistic generation, introducing randomness.
        • → Can be guided by text prompts for creative direction.

        This process allows for novel combinations and styles that people have never had before.

        Using AI removes much of the technical skill

        Using AI removes much of the technical skill and labor traditionally associated with art-making.

          Creating art with AI does require a similar set of foundational skills as traditional art forms:

          • → Idea generation and conceptualization
          • → Artistic vision and aesthetic sense
          • → Knowledge of art history and styles
          • → Understanding of composition and visual elements

          Also, it requires new tech skills:

          • Prompt engineering and refinement
          • → Curation and selection from multiple outputs
          • → Post-processing and editing of AI-generated images
          • → Understanding of AI model capabilities and limitations

          This is my take on the question: ‘Can someone who generates art by typing a prompt into AI be considered an AI artist?’.”

          By Tatiana Tsiguleva, Design director.

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